Our team

102-8, 401-1, 403-2,404-2, 404-3

At Metalsa, we aim to provide the best
working conditions for our personnel,

an inclusive environment, and development
opportunities tailored to their needs.



We are committed to promote a healthy and productive work environment based on legal compliance and adherence to labor and human rights. Our senior management implements programs and mechanisms to achieve the best working conditions, a safe and inclusive environment and development opportunities for all our personnel.


total Workforce

Workforce by gender

Workforce by region and contract

























Organizational culture

People as drivers of competitive advantages

Only quality people can produce quality products and services.

People as agents of change for a better world

Everything we do as a company should contribute to sustainable solutions for the transportation industry and the world.

Staff wellbeing

103-1, 103-2

To promote our workers physical and mental well-being, we have established a health service that includes ergonomic programs, check-ups, and work environment (noise, lighting, chemical agents, vibrations) analysis.

In 2021, we surveyed more than 10,000 team members on topics such as the company’s values, ethics, integrity, and culture. The survey helps us understand the perceptions and views of our personnel and take them into account in our programs, policies, and initiatives. The survey results provide valuable insights for improvements. We obtained a global average of 73% response rate during this reporting period.

We offer on-site full-time medical service 24/7 infirmary service in our sites in Mexico and Argentina and specialized local medical services in the rest of our sites

Health campaigns

In 2021, Metalsa organized 14 health campaigns for our 10,000+ team members. The campaigns include vaccinations, visual, and auditive check-ups.

Wellbeing activities

Across our sites we implemented wellbeing initiatives for our team members. We adopt a preventive approach by promoting healthy habits, mental health care, and family-oriented policies.

We want to provide benefits adjusted to the specific needs and life stage of each member of our company. In 2021:

  • 108 families benefited from day-care discounts for up to 75% for their children from 1.5 months to 6 years old

  • 2,867 school material grants were provided to children of our team members between the ages of 3 and 25 years old

  • 127 families received economic support for family bereavement

  • 13 team members took a sabbatical benefit that gave them a 12-month non-paid leave for study, caring duties or personal reasons. During this time Metalsa continued covering their medical insurance.





Healthy Eating

Metalsa Vegetable Garden Campaign: Employees participated in a project to plant a vegetable patch to promote organic vegetables consumption.


Wellbeing campaign

Communication campaign around tips and hacks of financial, social, and physical wellbeing.


Day care assistance

Support for women who return to work. The company provides day care assistance for children of up to six months.


Emotional support

A virtual platform and regular sessions to provide psychological, financial, and legal support.


Health webinars

Webinars in association with doctors and hospitals to raise wareness about health topics including cancer, covid, and health lifestyles.


Mindfulness sessions

Self-control and relaxation techniques for emotional management and meditation.


This initiative aims to consider the concerns and feedback of our colleagues. The staff can submit their questions, complaints, and feedback, trusting that they will be listened to and considered. Currently this program is available in our sites in Mexico, USA, Argentina, and Brazil. We expect to expand it to all our locations and to improve the current technology to enhance the user-experience and the communication across the Company. In 2021, we received 72 feedback messages:

  • 16 compliments

  • 26 questions

  • 16 suggestions

  • 14 complaints

All the feedback was followed up and 97%
was closed leaving 3% pending for 2022.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

103-1, 103-2, 103-3

We believe that anyone can reach their full potential by being themselves. At Metalsa, we established a DEI Committee responsible for complying with policies and are committed to building a better society and creating an inclusive environment with equal opportunities where our team members enrich the value-added while combining the diversity of their unique perspectives and knowledge.

We are working on five diversity dimensions:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Nationality and culture

  • LGTB+

  • Disability

In 2021, we provided diversity training to 1,516 staff members and established a DEI dashboard to monitor progress. The training included diversity dimensions, unconscious bias, and tools to create an inclusive environment. In addition, 712 coordinators received inclusive leadership training to help them identify affinity bias in their decisions and how to lead inward and outward, making their team members feel more valuated, heard, and included.

We work to create a work environment with non-discrimination. Through our Transparency Line we monitor potential incidents. In 2021 we identified 5 discrimination cases which have been reviewed and for which we put in place remediation plans.

Training & development

103-2, 103-3, 404-1, 404.2, 404-3

Performance assessment

To help our employees to succeed we have a robust performance review process:

Goal setting

Mid-year checkpoint

Pre-assessment and
priority re-alignment

End-of-year assessment

Development plan

404-3, 103-1, 103-3

At Metalsa, we help our personnel be prepared and have the right tools for their work at the company and their long-term individual objectives. To that end, we established a Talent Review Program that assesses each team member talent and training development needs. The result is a training development plan for employees to complete throughout the year. In this reporting period, 81% of the women and 77% completed their development plan.


404-1, 404-2

We provide training and skill-development programs to all our colleagues, and in 2021 we invested more than 1 million USD in training and capacity-building activities, amounting to 5,627 courses.

Key courses

Onboarding program

To achieve a smooth integration of new staff into the company.

Individual training

Following staff development plans and career development in the company.

Diversity and inclusion training program

To raise awareness about diversity and inclusion issues at all company levels.


hours of training per worker