About this report

102-50, 102-52, 102-53, 102-54

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option. It covers the period between January 1st 2021 and December 31st 2021 and includes information regarding our social, environmental and governance performance. The content of the report is based on our 2019 Materiality Assessment.

ERM Certification and Verification Services (ERM CVS) has conducted independent assurance of selected 2019 and 2021 GHG Emissions Intensity data. To understand the scope, activities and conclusions of the assurance process, please see the ERM CVS Assurance Statement.


Metalsa, S.A.P.I. de C.V.
Pabellón M | 44-47
Av. Benito Juárez 1102, Col. Centro
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon 64000

USA Subsidiaries

  • Metalsa Structural Products, Inc.

  • Metalsa Roanoke, Inc.

  • Metalsa Sterling Heights, Inc.

For additional information, please visit:


For any questions regarding Metalsa’s sustainability activities and reporting please contact:
