102-20, 102-26, 102-29, 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44, 102-47
Sustainable businesses are resilient
and create economic value, healthy
ecosystems, and strong communities.
We create value by:
Promoting quality
of life of our staff
and their families
Creating a robust
value chain
Protecting the
sustainable development
of the communities where
we operate
Sustainability framework
102-20, 102-26
Our sustainability key objectives are to reduce the negative environmental impacts of the company, improve the condition of the communities where we operate and address our stakeholders’ concerns and requirements.
To ensure that those objectives are met, we put in place a sustainability framework overseen by:
Metalsa’s Leadership Team: Sets the tone at the top regarding the importance of sustainability and supports the integration of sustainability into the business strategy.
Sustainability Committee: Helps develop and ensure the sustainability strategy’s execution and accountability. It comprises representatives of different company areas and meets regularly to assess progress.
Sustainability Business Units Teams: Implements initiatives and programs aligned to the sustainability strategy and helps to create a sustainability culture.
We use this framework to implement our strategy according to Proeza’s Sustainability Guidelines.
Sustainability strategy
Our sustainability strategy is based on three pillars:
design process
and performance
In 2019 we carried out a materiality assessment based on the following methodology.
Quantitative analysis
qualitative analysis
We also have a sustainability model that guides our efforts.
Materiality assessment
102-42, 102-46, 102-47
This assessment allowed us to identify the sustainability priorities of our company and stakeholders.
Our stakeholders
102-42, 102-43, 102-44
We aim to maintain open and honest communication with all the stakeholders and listen to and address their key concerns. In 2021 we carried out 10,428 surveys for employees and suppliers, the meetings and conferences we held throughout the year, and our financial and non-financial reporting.
Employees & their families
Proeza Shareholders
Key concerns
Organizational culture
Work conditions
Equal opportunities for women
Diversity and inclusion
More frequent communications
Up to date relevant information
Supplier development
Contract conditions
Work opportunities for young people
Community health and wellbeing
Community investment and development programs
Contract terms
Sustainability credentials
Metalsa’s initiatives
Work environment surveys
Day care services
Social and sports events
Diversity and inclusion programs
KPIs website
Regular conference calls
Supplier development programs
Contacts update
Connection with local businesses
Community and social responsibility programs
Equal opportunity programs
Sustainability strategies
Sustainability strategies
Sustainability strategies
Sustainability initiatives
and external frameworks
We are aligned with the most relevant sustainability frameworks to ensure that our efforts meet the highest standards. In 2021, we became members of the largest corporate responsibility initiative, The UN Global Compact, and thus, we strengthened our commitment to social, labor, and environmental rights and its ten principles.
In 2021 we also undertook the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating that assessed our performance in Ethics, Environment, Responsible Procurement, Labor, and Human Rights topics. The Ecovadis Scorecard provided us with essential insights on the way forward to improve our sustainability.
Metalsa is in the top 28% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles industry in the Environmental topic
Metalsa has been awarded a Bronze medal as a recognition of our Sustainability Performance
We participated in the CDP Climate Change and Water Security assessments. Our D Climate Change Assessment rating was lower than the North American regional average (C). However, we are already making progress in some of the areas assessed. In 2021, we worked on establishing better environmental governance and strengthen our emissions measuring process. Regarding the Water Security Assessment, Metalsa’s rating was C was lower than the North American regional average (B-), and we will continue our work on water policies, targets, and governance.